Topics of Interest – Economy

During the rapid economic growth and associated population boom of World War II, Richmond became an epicenter of economic activity. After the war, federal funding dropped off and demand for jobs from the massively expanded population far exceeded availability. The city had attracted a diverse population of workers during the war, but those workers now faced a host of unemployment and segregation/civil rights issues. Over the years, the city built its economy around various important companies such as Chevron, Kaiser Permenente, and various government services.

But in 2003, Richmond faced a devastating budget cut from the state and was forced to eliminate jobs, along with important recreational, artistic and educational programs that are essential to violence prevention and overall quality of life in the area. The budget cut was an especially hard blow for a city that was still struggling to rise out of its economically volatile history. Today, Richmond is still recovering from this cut by trying to boost the economy through various federal, state, for profit and not for profit agencies working to make Richmond the economic hub it once was.

Currently, the most controversial topics revolving around issues of Richmond’s economy include: (note- these are general topics, meaning that many specific instances revolve around these topics)

• Attracting businesses: creating a more attractive “downtown” to bring business to Richmond.
• Providing jobs for residents of Richmond: job-training programs for youth.
• Balancing the need for economic security and environmental/sociological health
• Balancing housing development and industry development
• Viewing the issue of economy as associated with other problems in Richmond, such as violence and drugs.

One Response to Topics of Interest – Economy

  1. Steve Duran says:

    I am impressed by your web coverage and interest in Richmond. I have tabbed you as a favorite.
    If you need information about what’s going on in Community & Economic Development in Richmond, you can call or e-mail me.

    Steve Duran
    Community & Economic Development Director
    Richmond, CA

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